Nature's Gym workday
Garthorne Road workday

The Friends first task-day will be to clear invasive species to open up the woodland floor to allow the light to reach it for the flora to expand.  Tools will be supplied.  We have a few pairs of gloves, but please bring your own if you have them

Please wear suitable clothing and footwear for the weather

For further information contact the Friends

6 thoughts on “Garthorne Road workday 11th February 2017 10am-1pm

  1. I hope you’re not planing on clearing the brambles between the houses and the tree line.they protect us from intruders and vandals.ive lived here for 38yrs ,we had problems with both before the brambles grew and filled the space.


    1. Hi there,

      There work is going to involve removing some of the invasive species from the meadow area and possibly building some dead hedges. They are not planning on removing any bramble. Please can you tell me which part of the reserve you are talking about when you don’t want the brambles removed?




  2. Houses 76 to 106 garthorne rd would be affected by clearing the brambles,although it does seem to be thicker in some places than others. By the way,a bee keeper used to have his hives on the reserve, sadly they were vandalised several times so he moved them elsewhere.


  3. Hi Teresa

    Has Jess mentioned that we have cleared some invasive species from the first meadow behind Beadnell Road and will be keeping the bramble along the section you mention as to protect the properties and to try and stop unauthorised access from the houses into the reserve

    Ernest Thomason
    (Chair of Friends of Garthorne Road Nature Reserve)


    1. Hi Jess. Thanks for understanding,by the way,have you any idea who is responsible for the fence between the houses and the nature reserve? It’s in a very very bad way.i and a couple of other householders have had new fencing put up just inside our property line because it’s so dangerous. I tried to find out who is responsible last year but had no luck.

      Thanks Teresa Walker.


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